by Jonathan C. Noble, Esq. 3 minute read
Some divorce issues are really personality issues in disguise.
Occasionally, I will handle a divorce case where the parties cooperate with each other and cooperate in bringing the divorce process to a fair and equitable close. Unfortunately, in a majority of divorce cases, conflict often gets in the way of progress.
I have seen several litigants try to establish a position that is so absurd, or so unlikely to prevail under the law, that I wonder what it must have been like to live with that person. People tend to show their true character in times of adversity. Divorce proceedings can put most people in the most stressful, adverse situation they have ever experienced. True colors often shine through. Sometimes the result is not pretty. Sometimes pride displaces common sense.

Do not let your pride weigh you down in divorce
Some people are so wrapped up in who is “right” or who is “wrong”, they are blinded by their own pride. This mindset can be a major mistake in the context of a divorce. I have never seen pride or hubris win the day in divorce court. We are all human. Having too much of the wrong type of pride may cloud your thinking when trying to navigate a divorce. You should usually try to focus on the big picture and move past the trivial battles that mean very little when all is said and done.
Start with a level-headed, experienced lawyer. Then listen carefully, ask questions, and act accordingly.
Great lawyers listen to their clients and explain the law and legal strategy going forward. Smart clients listen to their lawyer carefully, ask questions, and do the things necessary to get the best overall outcome in their legal matter. Great communication is a two-way street. Clients who refuse to listen, or refuse to act according to the legal advice they have been given, usually create unnecessary headwinds for themselves. Start with hiring a level-headed, experienced lawyer. Then listen. Ask questions. Keep a lid on your pride. Stay focused.
If you are looking for a no-nonsense approach to your family law matter, I welcome your inquiry. Please contact my office via email to set up a consultation. (jonathancnobleesq at gmail dot com). I look forward to hearing from you.
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